Reasoning-and-explanation - Session 1: Studying mathematics teaching with a focus on reasoning and explanation
Part 1: Preview
This part provides an overview of the module.
Each Dev-TE@M module focuses on four core elements of the work of elementary teaching:
- Mathematics geared to the demands of teaching
- Teaching practices for diverse classrooms and contexts
- Student thinking about mathematics
- Learning-from-practice protocols for systematically learning from and improving teaching
Work on these elements is integrated across the ten sessions of a module, providing opportunities to practice, build on, and extend ideas over time. In addition, simultaneously working on the four core elements is important because the work of elementary mathematics teaching requires integrated attention to these elements in practice.
The content of this module—Supporting Reasoning and Explanations in Elementary Mathematics Teaching—focuses on:
- Mathematics: deepening skill with mathematical reasoning, explanations, and language
- Student thinking: examining the ways students make sense of and explain mathematics
- Teaching practice: supporting mathematical practices in the classroom
- Learning from practice: engaging in video workshops as a means to support the teaching and learning of mathematical practices
Mathematical practices such as reasoning, explaining, and using mathematical language precisely are foundational to knowing and doing mathematics. Such practices have been emphasized in the Common Core State Standards, as well as the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Principles and Standards. This module focuses on developing the knowledge and skills teachers need to help their students develop proficiency with mathematical practices.