Reasoning-and-explanation - Session 5: Producing “good” mathematical explanations
Part 1: Preview
Session 4 focused on scaling mathematics problems and engaging in a video workshop to explore students’ reasoning and teaching moves that nurture mathematical practices.
Session 5 extends work on mathematical explanations launched earlier in the module. More specifically this session focuses on:
- Producing mathematical conjectures and justifications for the Sum of Consecutive Odd Numbers Problem
- Considering and critiquing the conjectures and justifications of others
- Considering a set of features of good explanations
- Considering problems from curriculum materials that provide opportunities for students to work on producing “good” explanations
Working on explaining and discussing the features of explanations is useful because it helps teachers:
- Listen to, and guide, students’ explanations
- Plan explanations they will provide
- Develop shared ways of describing and discussing mathematics with colleagues