Reasoning-and-explanation - Session 7: Capitalizing on students’ explanations and engaging in a video workshop
Part 5: Debriefing video workshop
This part focuses on debriefing the experience in the video workshops. Debriefing should be a routine part of the video workshop process so that the video workshop can continually be improved and renewed.
Key Points
Three key points to consider:
- Understanding the process: The debriefing of the video workshop is a means to reflect on and improve the process for engaging in video workshop.
- Analyzing teaching and learning: Leverage the dialog with colleagues as a resource for planning, enacting instruction, or reflecting on your own teaching in ways that enhance students’ opportunities to reason or your own repertoire of teaching moves.
- Building productive norms: Focusing on the situations, content, and pedagogies occurring in a video as something that all teachers encounter or use supports the idea that the learning is collective rather than corrective for the person whose video is being watched.