COE Annual Report 2014 – Grants & Contracts

The following tables reflect prorated funded activity, which includes newly awarded and ongoing, multi-year projects for FY 2014 (July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014)


Principal Investigator
Project Title
$ Amount
Morris Lai, Gloria Kishi
Piha Pono: A Robust RTI Approach Integrating Reading, Mathematics and Behavior Supports
Education, Dept-FED 08/01/2010 – 07/31/2014
Higa, Terry
An Evaluation of the Campbell Complex’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers
Education, Dept-HI
Higa, Terry
Data Analysis Services to the Farrington Complex Kalihi Learning Center 21st Century Community Learn
Education, Dept-HI
Higa, Terry
For the Provision of ARRA School Improvement Grant Evaluation Services
Education, Dept-HI
Higa, Terry
The Provision of Evaluation Services for the Central Kaua‘i 21st Century Community Learning Centers
Education, Dept-HI
Nguyen, Thanh Truc
Academy for 21st Century Education (ACE21) and Run Book Project
Education, Dept-HI
Nguyen, Thanh Truc
Continued Professional Development of Access Learning Schools
Education, Dept-HI
Nguyen, Thanh Truc
Parents and Children Together (PACT) Kuhio Park Terrace (KPT) Makery
Parents and Children Together
Nguyen, Thanh Truc
Technology For Untapped Talent
Human Services, Dept-HI
Pottenger, Francis
Pacific Islands Climate Change Education Partnership
Pacific Resources for Education and Learning
Saka, Susan
Administer and Score Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
Education, Dept-HI
Saka, Susan
Development and Production of Youth Risk Behavior Survey for the State of Hawai‘i
Health, Dept-HI
Saka, Susan
Hawai‘i School Health Surveys
Health, Dept-HI
Saka, Susan
Hawai‘i Youth Risk Behavior Survey
Education, Dept-HI
Venenciano, Linda
Math Teachers’ Circle Of Hawai‘i
Education, Dept-FED
Young, Donald
Mizushima International Kimono Program
University of Hawai‘i Foundation
Young, Donald
Provision of Common Core Standards (CCSS) Aligned Math Course Materials and Professional Development
Education, Dept-HI