x to Why is a multi-faceted project with a different approach to learning mathematics. The project focuses on students who struggle in middle and high school mathematics while providing increased access to algebraic concepts and skills for all students.

MPower A Path to Understanding Algebra
A student-centered, year-long curriculum designed to build and strengthen algebraic concepts and skills.

Professional Learning
XPDitions Journeys into Professional Development
Teacher learning experiences that deepen content knowledge, expand the repertoire of instructional strategies, emphasize struggling learners’ support, and build a network.

NSights Math Games for Conceptual Understanding
Games to promote number and flexibility, problem-solving, and strategic thinking.

The x to Why Project addresses the challenge of supporting middle and high school students who struggle in algebra and lessening the achievement gap.
Our MPower research questions include:
1) What effect does curriculum have on the growth of students who struggle in algebra?
2) What student-centered instructional strategies support the growth of students who struggle in algebra? Using an iterative design process, the materials were pilot-tested in middle and high school classes. Student growth was measured with conceptual and skill-based progress monitoring instruments.


Barbara Dougherty

Fay Zenigami

Linda Venenciano

Dean Lodes
Project Manager

Darrell Asato
Layout Design

Lori Ward
Managing Editor

Byron Inouye
Graphic Design

Sydney Carey
Layout Design