A History of the
Hawaiian Kingdom
A History of the Hawaiian Kingdom is a visually stunning, content-rich textbook covering the kingdom era in Hawai‘i’s unique history. Written as a companion text for A History of Hawai‘i, 3rd ed., A History of the Hawaiian Kingdom focuses on the unification of the islands under Kamehameha I, the development of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and the events that played out during the reign of its eight monarchs, from King Kamehameha I through the last monarch, Queen Lili‘uokalani. Educators and students alike will enjoy learning about this poignant time in Hawai‘i’s past through curated photos, artifacts, and stories that bring the historical events and people of the time vividly to life.
- Meets new state standard (HCSSS)
- Three units spanning 1778 to 1900
- Each chapter focuses on politics, economics, social and land history
- Middle school lexile level
- Accompanying teacher text

A History of the Hawaiian Kingdom: Teacher's Manual
A History of the Hawaiian Kingdom is a visually stunning, content-rich textbook covering the kingdom era in Hawai‘i’s unique history. Written as a companion text for A History of Hawai‘i, 3rd ed., A History of the Hawaiian Kingdom focuses on the unification of the islands under Kamehameha I, the development of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and the events that played out during the reign of its eight monarchs. It culminates with the 1893 overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the subsequent annexation of Hawai‘i to the United States.
The lessons in this teacher's manual are designed to meet the Hawaiʻi Core Standards for Social Studies for the History of the Hawaiian Kingdom course and are specifically tailored to the needs of middle school students in grades 6–8. The Teacher's Manual contains a complete set of lesson plans and activities incorporating age-appropriate pedagogical approaches and instructional strategies to engage students at this level.
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