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About Us

The College of Education Summer Programs at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa continues its 50-year history of engaging students entering grades
1–9 in summer education, exploration, imagination, and adventure. We are dedicated to providing high-quality educational experiences that are both enjoyable and deeply rooted in the principles and values that define the College of Education.

In a variety of courses designed for curious young minds, students are immersed in hands-on classes that explore the exciting side of learning—building and programming robots, designing roller coasters from recyclables, observing native plants and animals as student scientists, or developing coding skills via immersive video game challenges. Classes in art, animation, drama, and journalism combine fun and creativity to cultivate students’ imaginations. Field trips will take students beyond the classroom to interact with real-world examples, research at natural sites, or meet working professionals. Inquiry-based instruction and project-based learning in the classroom, laboratory, field, studio, and theater are the cornerstones of our program. Classes are led by qualified teachers and teacher-assistants to ensure a safe learning environment. Join us in fun-filled learning!


Happy 2025! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season.

We are finalizing our course schedule and preparing to launch registration for Summer 2025 in February.  Thank you for your continued support of COE Summer Programs.

**updated 01/16/2025**

Registration opens February 2025register button

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University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
College of Education Summer Programs
1776 University Avenue, CMA 101
Honolulu, HI 96822-2463

Phone: (808) 956-8176
Email: [email protected]