COVID Policy Updates

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UPDATE: UH Summer Policy Announcement

Policy effective: May 17

UH issued an updated policy for Summer Session 2022.

View the announcement.

Wearing face masks in classrooms, shared laboratories, other instructional spaces and tightly confined educational spaces (such as advising offices), will continue to be required at all University of Hawaiʻi campuses for the 2022 summer sessions.

Do not report to a UH campus or facility if any of these apply:

  • You tested positive for COVID-19 and are on home isolation.
  • You have new or worsening symptoms that could be COVID-19 and not attributable to a pre-existing condition.
  • You are immunocompromised and are a close contact of a COVID-19 positive individual.
  • You are not “up to date” with your vaccines and are a close contact of a COVID-19 positive individual. “Up to date” means you have received all COVID-19 vaccine doses for which you are eligible, e.g., the initial two shots and a booster.
  • You must isolate for 5 days after the date of last exposure and may return on day 6 if you have not had a fever within the past 24 hours and your symptoms are significantly improved. When you return to campus, you must wear a well-fitted mask at all times and not eat or drink around others until the full 10 days have passed.
  • You are subject to government-issued or a healthcare provider’s orders to quarantine.

The policies below still apply unless specifically updated in the new announcement.


NOTICE: Change in COVID-19 Policies

Policy effective: March 26

We have been closely monitoring updates concerning COVID policies from the CDC, the state of Hawai‘i, and the University of Hawai‘i. Our state has done a great job of protecting us, and the benefits are now paying off. Many restrictions  are being lifted as we reach a point where the combination of vaccinations, boosters, and exposure to the virus has built up immunity, locally and nationally, resulting in fewer COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. 

The UH System just announced that effective March 26, they are indefinitely suspending the mandatory vaccination policy based on guidance from the UH COVID-19 Health and Wellbeing Working Group (HWBWG), a team of UH medical and public health experts. The move reflects the latest COVID-19 guidance from the state and federal government.
Read the UH announcement.

With this news, CRDG Summer Programs is also modifying our COVID-19 policies to align with the university.

Updated COVID-19 Policies
The safety of our families is our greatest priority.  More information will be available in the Student Handbook available in May.

  • COVID-19 vaccinations are NOT required to attend the program.
  • Only registered students, program faculty and staff, and approved guest speakers will be allowed in the classrooms. Parents may drop-off and pick-up students from the MPB and visit the Summer Programs Office.
  • Properly fitting masks will still be required indoors, except when actively eating.  Outdoor masking will be optional except at specified times.
  • There are no requirements for students arriving/returning from out-of-state.  We encourage students to take a COVID-19 test before returning to campus, but it is not required.
  • We strongly recommend that you stay home when feeling ill, whether with COVID-19 or not, to recover and prevent community spread. Students who display any signs of illness will be isolated in our health room and must be picked up immediately.  
  • If students test positive for COVID-19, isolate at home for at least 5 days (until fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication and symptoms are improving). Upon return to campus, face masks must be worn in all settings for the remainder of the 10-day period.
  • By enrolling in CRDG Summer Programs, you grant us authority to take your child’s temperature at our discretion.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at [email protected].

We look forward to seeing you back on campus this summer!!