Farewell to Week Five, Session AOnline Programs Week 05

Thank you for joining us this summer on our amazing online adventure!  We had such a blast getting to know your children—seeing their smiling faces, hearing their stories, and watching them work so hard on all their projects and activities.  We hope you enjoy the rest of the summer and look forward to seeing you next year… in person!

Animation Studio: Stop Motion Animation

For this final week, we are finishing up any remaining project. If we already finished all of our videos, we could choose one of the videos we already submitted to edit and improve. We learned so much and are really proud of the videos we made.

Mrs. Nagatoshi said, “The students have worked hard these past 5 weeks. They are very creative and put a lot of time into their projects. I had a wonderful time with my students this summer. Enjoy making more stop motion movies!”

Hawaii Nature Study Program: Explorers

This week we did our final observations of our mealworms. Many of us were able to see the whole life cycle happen over the summer; some of our beetles even laid eggs and now we have small mealworms again! We also learned about our ahupuaʻa system—how beneficial it was to the Hawaiian people long ago, and what each section of the land provided for their daily living needs. Lastly, we reflected on all of the things we learned together this summer and performed a mele about our beautiful world (Ke Ao Nani) for our families during our Open House. It was such an awesome summer with our explorers!

Minecraft: A Virtual Learning Adventure


For this last week in our virtual Minecraft worlds, we continued to build the cities we started last week. With our skyscrapers complete we moved on to other city essentials. Of course every city needs a hospital, including ours! Our cities have multi-story hospitals complete with an emergency room and an ambulance! Some of our hospitals even had a helipad and helicopter. To keep our streets safe from zombies and creepers, our next challenge was to build a police station.  We couldn’t forget the jail cells so we could lock up Mr. Hironaka for trying to eat the sea turtles! Our next build was a pet store with large picture windows so we could look at the cute animals. I wonder what kinds of animals the pet store has for sale today?  And don’t forget to pick up some pet food!  Finally, even virtual cities can catch fire, so we needed a fire station with a firetruck! The firefighters need a place to sleep and eat, so we had to build them beds, a kitchen, and a dining area.  And you can’t have a fire station without the pole!! Of course, this is a city, not separate buildings, so everything had to be connected by streets and sidewalks.

Nature’s Palette: Exploring Art in Nature


On this final week, we were able to wrap things up with a few final projects. But first, we watched the cooking videos we all made last weekend. That was so fun— probably the highlight of this week!  Ms. Cassie said, “I personally loved seeing the students’ humor and personalities.” Thank you so much to our families for helping with the food prep, video production, and even co-presenting! We also learned about kinetic art and made our own agamographs. Our final day was spent preparing for open house, and we cannot wait to share our creations with our families!

STEM Workshop: Lego Machines

How far we’ve come from our first week of exploring a series of simple machines!  This week we will wrap up the class by building our most complicated projects so far, such as robotic dogs, different types of cars, and even a Ferris wheel!  When our builds are complete, we will practice identifying and labeling the simple machines that make up each complex machine that we built.