First Day of Core Programs

Welcome to COE Summer Programs!  Summer is almost here, and we’re sure some of you are wondering what to expect this summer. Here’s what you can expect on the first day!

7:30 am: Morning drop-off begins. 
Enter our parking lot from Metcalf Street and drive down to Zone A. Staff in orange safety vests will assist your children from the car. They should be ready to go—shoes on and bags in hand.  If you plan to stay for a while, you must find alternate parking. A UH-issued pass is required to park in our lot.

The welcome packet mailed to your address contains a copy of their schedule to bring on the first day.  It will help us direct them to the correct class.

8:00 am: Morning Student Orientation.
The orientation is for students, but parents may join us. We will share program information and go over behavior expectations. 

Morning Classes:
After Orientation, students will be escorted to their classrooms. On the first day, each class will take ID photos and receive their Summer Programs t-shirts.  Every day, students will have a mid-morning recess.

11:45 am: Class is done!
Students will be escorted back to the MPB. Departing students will sign out and be escorted to the Dole Street pick-up area (Zone B). Full-day students will remain in the MPB for lunch and recess.  See the handbook for the full dismissal procedures.

Lunch Time: Full-day students will have 45 minutes for lunch and recess. Students who purchased a meal plan will be shown where to pick up their lunch. AM-only students who purchased lunch, will be taken to Zone B after 12:15pm for pick-up.

11:50 am: Lunch Pick-up and Drop-off begins.
Student pick-up is at the Dole Street Zone B location. The first week is always a bit hectic, so please be patient as we learn the new names and faces and familiarize the students with our procedures.

Afternoon drop-off will follow the same procedures as Morning drop-off.

12:30 pm: Afternoon Student Orientation.
We will repeat the same Orientation from the morning for our afternoon-only students. It will also serve as a refresher for the morning students.

Afternoon Classes:
After Orientation, students will be escorted to their classrooms. Afternoon only students will take ID photos and receive their Summer Programs t-shirts.  Every day, students will have a mid-afternoon recess.

3:15 pm: Class is done!
Students will be escorted back to the MPB.  Departing students will sign out and be escorted to the Dole Street pick-up area (Zone B). See the handbook for the full dismissal procedures.

After-School Program:
Students enrolled in the After-School Program will receive a daily snack and participate in activities such as craft projects, outdoor games, science experiments, and more!  Parents may sign out their child from the MPB cafeteria with the afterschool teacher. Last pick-up is at 5:30 pm.

We look forward to seeing you on Monday, June 10!

If you have any questions, please contact us at 956-8176 or [email protected]!