Hawaii Nature Study Program Week 01

Our HNS Classes got off to a quick start.  On Wednesday, all three classes learned about invasive species in our fresh water streams in preparation for their upcoming field trips to Manoa Stream.  Then on Thursday, they visited the Federal Plant Quarantine Station.

HNS Observers
Throughout the week, the students observed leaves and flowers and used magnifying glasses and rulers to measure, write, and draw their observations into their journals. The Observers visited the Plant Quarantine on Thursday. There, they learned about what the plant quarantine workers do, including how they check vegetables and plants for unwanted animals in boxes that arrive at the airport. Kennedy N. explained, “I liked learning about how the Plant Quarantine workers catch animals from people’s houses.”

HNS Explorers
The Explorers learned how to make observations using their five senses; they then drew pictures of plants and insects they found on campus. Mr. Corey Yap also talked to the students about how invasive species and urbanization affect native species. When asked about the Thursday field trip to the Plant Quarantine, Aryan S. answered, “I liked that there were different animals and a real snake.” Harper N. explained, “I learned there are a lot of pests here that aren’t supposed to be here.”

HNS Researchers
The Researchers visited the Federal Plant Quarantine where they learned about the history of the facility and what the employees do. Students saw live animals and learned about plants. Tyler L.K. admitted, “I learned that there actually is a plant quarantine; I thought there were only animal quarantines.” Beckett D. said, “I learned what different invasive animals are, what they can do, and how these animals affected similar places like Guam.”

The Researchers ended the week with a kickball challenge vs. the Little Journalists!

On June 13, the Hawaii Nature Study classes visited the Federal Plant Quarantine.  They learned about quarantine laws in Hawai’i along with the names of various invasive species that threaten Hawaiian ecosystems. Students also had the chance to observe some of the live confiscated creatures, such as a Coqui Frog and a Ball Python.

Check out photos of our field trip in the Photo Gallery