Hawaii Nature Study Students Learn About Invasive Species

This morning, our three Hawai‘i Nature Study classes welcomed guest speaker, Cory Yap, from the University of Hawaii at Manoa’s Center for Conservation Research and Training. He taught our students about the impact invasive species have on the creatures living in our local streams. The students also learned about the life cycles of native species.

In preparation for their upcoming field trips to Manoa Stream, Mr. Yap also taught our students how to capture the invasive species in our local streams and release the native species.

Our students were excited to see the freshwater creatures Mr. Yap brought with him.

Alapai Drager-Jarrett (HNS Observers): “I learned there’s a suckermouth catfish that doesn’t have bristles. We, as a class, can work together to catch fish. Some fish use their mouths and suction cup fins to climb waterfalls and trees.”

Ian Cho (HNS Explorers): “I learned there are 3 main rivers: Makiki, Manoa, and Palolo.”

Leilani Acosta (HNS Researchers): “They showed us a picture of past Honolulu and present day. It’s crazy to see how much everything has changed.”

Avary Tennies (HNS Observers): “I learned there’s a swordfish with a tail that has a sword on it in the river.”

Joshua Teruya (HNS Observers): “Invasive species are eating native ones so there aren’t many native species left.”

We look forward to seeing how many fish our students catch when they head to Manoa Stream in the next few weeks!

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