HI Nature Study: Researchers Finish Projects, Visit Banan, and Battle in Basketball [Week 5]

This final week, the Researchers engaged in a combination of finishing their projects and having fun in the sun. Between finishing our projects for open house we decided to have some fun to celebrate the end of summer programs. We went to Banan to try soft serve made out of bananas. It was a nice refreshing treat this hot week. We also had our annual Researchers vs. Journalist sports challenge—basketball!  It was too close to call, but I do think the Researchers won by a point or two. The students are excited to show off all the things they learned this summer about plants and animals and how they fit into Hawai’i’s ecosystem. Not only that, the students are excited to challenge their parents, guardians, family and friends in a round of Gimkit that was created by our students. As we wrap up this final week, we have created new friends, learned new things, and have grown together creating new memories. As we always say, a hui hou, until we meet again. Researchers signing out.

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Week 05 Basketball Game vs. Little Journalists

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