HNS Observers Learn All About Insects [Week 2]

This week in the HNS: Observers class, students started the week with a trip to Manoa Stream to catch the invasive sea creatures in our fresh water systems. The students then started their next topic, insects, by doing an animal survey down at Castle Memorial observing all the animals they could and kept track of it. On Tuesday, two entomologists came to speak to all the Hawaii Nature Study classes about what they do as entomologists. They also showed us some insects that they found that are not so good for our environment. On Thursday, the students walked to the Insect Lab at UH Manoa. They got to see some cool invasive bugs and some native bugs that have been preserved by entomologists. One of our students’ relatives also works at one of the labs at UH Manoa and he studies mosquitos. He taught the Observers that there are good mosquitoes that we want to keep, but also mosquitoes that we do not want to keep. To end a week of fun, we went to CPK Ala Moana to make our own pizzas and have a personal tour of the CPK Kitchen.

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