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Program Information

Discount Offers

  • Early Registration Discount
    Complete your registration by March 16 and receive 10% off Core Programs and Summer Adventure courses.

All discounts and promotions are subject to terms and availability. Contact us for more information.

Course Information

Students do not need previous knowledge of the subject to participate in any of our classes. Courses are designed for students in the listed grade levels. Students will be expected to perform at or near the listed grade levels, both socially and academically. Students may register for a class one grade above or below as long as they are able to keep up with the class activities and are socially prepared to work with students who are not their age.

Course Supplies and Equipment

Most course supplies are included in your tuition. Students may be asked to bring optional supplies (like a USB drive to bring home their projects) or recyclables if you have them. Students in performance classes may be given costume recommendations for the evening performance. 

Students will be provided with any equipment needed for class. Students and their parents may be held responsible for the cost to repair any damage caused intentionally or through negligence.

Breaks and Student Supervision

Students will be supervised from arrival until they check out. We will have staff on campus starting at 7:30 am.  Students who cannot be picked up by 3:45 pm should enroll in our After-School Program which runs until 5:30 pm.

All classes will have at least one recess break. Students may bring a snack to eat, but will not be allowed to share snacks for safety.

Full-day students will have a daily supervised lunch break. They must either purchase a meal plan or bring daily home lunch. During Core Programs, lunch will be from 11:45 am to 12:30 pm.  During Summer Adventures, the lunch period will vary depending on the daily schedule.

Meal Service Program

Based on parent feedback, this summer we are offering summer lunch service through Sodexo. See our registration site for pricing and details.

Full day students who do not purchase a Lunch Meal Plan must bring lunch daily. Students will not be allowed off-campus to purchase lunch.

Daily Lunch
Includes a hot entree, such as chili or shoyu chicken, along with a starch, fruit and/or vegetable, and beverage for each day of the selected program. Lunch menus will be posted to our Parent’s Corner in May. During Summer Adventures, meal plan students who are off-campus (field trip) for lunch will be given a to-go meal, such as a sandwich.

Food Allergies
Sodexo can accommodate most food allergies and vegetarian meals upon request.  


Happy 2025! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season.

We are finalizing our course schedule and preparing to launch registration for Summer 2025 in February.  Thank you for your continued support of COE Summer Programs.

**updated 01/16/2025**

Registration opens February 2025register button

paren'ts corner graphic button


* required field








University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
College of Education Summer Programs
1776 University Avenue, CMA 101
Honolulu, HI 96822-2463

Phone: (808) 956-8176
Email: [email protected]