Welcome to Summer Programs 2022

crdg summer programs logo graphic

Welcome to the 2022 Summer Programs! 

After being completely online last year, we are excited to be back on campus!

If this is your first time at CRDG Summer Programs, or if you are returning and need a refresher, this short guide will fill in what you can expect over the next few months.

Registration Confirmation
Check your email! We will send your confirmation form and some information regarding registration. Need to add or change a class? Want to add a meal plan? Contact our office, and we will be happy to assist you.

Welcome Packets
A few weeks before the start of the program, Welcome Packets will be mailed to each student. The packets will include a welcome letter with more information on your class(es), a copy of the student handbook, and more.  Most of this information will also be posted on our Parent’s Corner.

Towards the end of May, we will email our Welcome Newsletter via email. Every Friday of Core Programs, newsletters will be sent to the email addresses for the Primary and Secondary contacts on the registration form.  Along with the parent portal, these newsletters will provide you with important program information. Please check your email often to make sure you don’t miss important updates.

Program Events
In addition to the classes, CRDG Summer Programs usually offers several program events, including Open House, Family Movie Night, Spirit Week, and more. We hope to offer these events again this year, pending the current Covid guidelines. Check the program calendar on the parent portal and the newsletters for more information as the event information is confirmed.

General Reminders

  • If any information on your registration form changes, notify the office so we can update your child’s record.
  • Note the withdrawal deadlines.  You must contact us before the deadline to receive partial refunds.

We look forward to seeing you back on campus this summer!!