Apple Pie Collects Butter and Heads to Italy [Week 2]

This week in How to Make an Apple Pie, we finished our adventure through England by making the first ingredient for our apple pies, butter. Now that we have our butter, we packed our things and headed to Italy. We learned some words in Italian, for example Ciao (hello) and Grazi Mille (thank you a thousand times). We also got to try some Italian favorites.The students enjoyed making fresh pasta from scratch and gobbled up the Caprese salad. We finished the week exploring Milan, and we got to make our own pizzas on our CPK field trip. During our class we also learned how to use the directional words during our class activities like the animal search and creating our class map. We finished the week with our field trip to Les Murakami Stadium. We got to learn and tour the stadium with Uncle Glen. We ended our last day learning how to play bocce ball, a game they play in Italy.

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