Robotics with VEX [Week 3]
After-School Program – Fluffy Slime
STEM: Science Olympics Forges Foil Boats & Paper Towers [Week 2]
In the beginning of the week, the class built boats from tin foil in an effort to hold the most pennies in a competition. If kiddos completed the penny challenge, they got to build even bigger boats – to hold…
Robotics with Lego WeDo Colossal Quakes [Week 2]
This week in Lego WeDo, students experimented with complex robot models and coding. For the first time, they programmed their robots to perform two actions simultaneously. On Wednesday, the students were tasked with building an earthquake simulator to test different…
Minecraft Smiles [Week 2]
This week in Minecraft, students continued with character customizations and game modifications, working alone and in pairs, while learning to build various structures within their worlds.
Robotics with VEX Builds Bot Bases and Ramp Races [Week 2]
This week it was all about that base in VEX. The class built a ton of stuff – from bot bases to adding second stories to individual bases with wheels. And for those who finished early, a ramming device. Students…
Inspiring Global Leaders Create Quizzy Kahoot!s and Packing Plans [Week 2]
Inspiring Global Leaders presented research on countries they were assigned during Week 1. After each presentation, students participated in fun Kahoot! quizzes, nudging the competition out of the way! Students also learned about international relations, immigration and refugees, and global health…
Hawaii Nature Study: Explorers Bug Around [Week 2]
The Explorers kicked off the week with a visit to Mānoa Stream, catching invasive species of fish with Mr. Cory. Midweek, guest speakers Ms. Jodie and Ms. Amber introduced etymology and native bugs. Students then created made-up insects, and even found resemblances…
Recycled Arts Create Shrinky Dinks and Friendship Bracelets [Week 2]
This week in the Recycled Arts class, students learned different braiding techniques to use on their friendship bracelets and necklaces. Students also started collecting materials for their mural from the field outside of their classroom. Students in the Recycled Arts…