If you haven’t read the book, How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World by Marjorie Priceman, you definitely should! Our students began the week with a reading of this fun picture book. They then grabbed (drew) their…
Hawaii Nature Study Program Week 01
Our HNS Classes got off to a quick start. On Wednesday, all three classes learned about invasive species in our fresh water streams in preparation for their upcoming field trips to Manoa Stream. Then on Thursday, they visited the Federal…
Robotics: EV3 – Week 1
Little Journalists vs. Hawai‘i Nature Study Program: Researchers Kickball Game – Week 1
For the second year in a row, our Little Journalists and HNSP: Researchers competed in one of their annual sports challenges. This week’s sport—kickball! The game ended in a tie, 9–9! It was an exciting game. We can’t wait for…
Little Journalists
Apple Pie Competes in the Marshmallow Challenge!
Students competed to build the tallest structure that supported a marshmallow using only spaghetti, tape, and string.