Drama: Summer Stars on Stage Begins Rehearsals [Week 3]

We started rehearsal this week for our big show! Everyone has their parts and started memorizing their lines and songs. We’ve started to create the show one scene at a time and we are almost halfway through the whole play. Right now we are focusing on creating the scenes through choreography, blocking (where everyone stands in the scene), and the different movements (such as when to stand or go on/off stage).

We start the day with going through as much of the play as we created the previous day. Then, we keep moving forward scene by scene. This is so we can all be on the same page, practice together, and see how much of the play we have gone through. We are making great progress and the students have made lots of progress in learning their lines and executing them throughout practices.

We also had a field trip on Tuesday to the Honolulu Museum of Art. The students learned about different elements of art through a guided tour. They were even able to experiment with three different mediums and create some art of their own with a professional artist.

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