Apple Pie Returns Home With Apple Pie for Everyone [Week 5]

In our final week of How to Make An Apple Pie, we made our way back to the United States, stopping to get our apples and visiting Los Angeles and Chicago! Finally, we landed in Honolulu, just in time for our Summer Programs open house! 

The students created their own individual story maps on vintage paper (it smells like coffee!), threw it in our luggage and headed to our first city, Los Angeles. Here, we got to try the famous In-N-Out Burgers, but soon we bailed (California slang for leave), taking a quick trip to Chicago before heading back home. In Chicago we got to try a Chicago style hot dog, but opted out for the pop (Chicago slang for soda) to save room for a couple dishes we still had to try. Once we landed in Hawaii, we ate spam musubis! We had plenty grindz (Pidgin for food) throughout the summer, but the kids saved a little room for the star dish…apple pie! The kids not only made apple pie but shared some with their parents. We wrapped up our world wide journey with new friends and a new appreciation for different cultures and their foods.

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