Cancellation Notice–Summer Programs 2020

I am sorry to announce that we received the recommendation from our College of Education and CRDG administration to cancel CRDG Summer Programs this year.

It was a difficult decision, but ultimately, we had to do what we felt was best for our students and their families. Never has better safe than sorry meant so much. We explored multiple options to continue the program, including online delivery, but the hands-on and interactive nature of our classes and the resources we provide are what makes our program special. We decided that we could not deliver the same quality experience online.

We also realize that many of you rely on Summer Programs for childcare.  It is hard to know what will happen next month, let alone this summer, but we hope that by cancelling now, we are giving you enough time to make alternate arrangements.

As promised, we are giving full tuition refunds for current registrations. The deadline to respond is Sunday, May 31, 2020. 
Read the following options carefully and respond BY EMAIL with:

  • your refund choice
  • your child’s name
  • any required paperwork and/or information

If you are not able to meet the deadline, contact us before the deadline to make special arrangements.



UH Employees: If you are willing to receive your reimbursement check at your campus address, simply email us with your name, UH ID number, and campus mailing address.  If you prefer to receive your check at a different address, complete the Non-UH Employee method instead.

Non-UH Employees: Complete and return the WH-1 form below. You do NOT need to provide your social security number, but we do need an actual signature (digitally drawn is fine, but a certified typed signature is not). A reimbursement check will be mailed to the address listed on your form.


Timeline: Usually, reimbursements can take up to 8 weeks. With the number of refunds we will be processing and the delays caused by working remotely, it may take even longer for checks to be sent. If this causes any problems for your family, be sure to let us know.  We will do our best to rush our portion of the process.



If you intend to join us next summer, you may roll over your 2020 tuition payment to summer 2021.  We will email you a statement with your credit balance. Next year, you will receive a unique coupon code to deduct this credit from next year’s tuition.  As a special thank you, this code will also take an additional $50.00 off your 2021 tuition.

There’s no risk! If your plans change or you don’t use your entire credit next year, we will refund your credit balance.



CRDG Summer Programs is a self-funded program of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG) in the College of Education. If you would like to donate a part or all of your 2020 tuition payment towards CRDG Summer Programs, contact us for the donation information. Your donation will help offset expenses already paid for this summer.



Unlike most of our classes, students may not be able to wait a whole year for Driver’s Education. When you contact us for reimbursement, we will put you in contact with the driving instructor for our course. He will keep you updated when his classes are open!

Contact us by email with any questions or concerns. Please avoid calling if possible.  We can receive messages left on voicemail, but our response time will be longer.

We hope you are able to stay safe and emotionally connected with loved ones, despite the social distance. Please take care of yourselves and your family!

We look forward to seeing you at CRDG Summer Programs 2021!