HNS Observers Learn About Animals [Week 3]

This week, the Hawaii Nature Study Observers learned about different kinds of animals! We started off the week by going to the Honolulu Zoo. The kids were very excited to see all the animals, especially the hippopotamus. On Tuesday, since it was a rainy day, we stayed inside the classroom and learned about how to classify different animals. The kids then did a coloring activity learning about the life cycle of a mosquito. To end off the day, each kid watered and observed their pea plants that are growing inside our classroom. 

On Wednesday, it was an arts and craft day. We started off the first half of the morning by making the life cycle of a butterfly with some beans and pasta. For the second half of the morning we watched the animated film, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and designed our very own caterpillar with some paper plates and paint. On Thursday, we took a short walk across the street to Jamba Juice to get some smoothies! On Friday, we had a Marine Biologist guest speaker come in and talk to the kids about what a Marine Biologist does.

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