Inspiring Global Leaders Threaten a Coup and Protest Nigerian Oil [Week 5]
In our last week of Inspiring Global Leaders, students continued their Nigerian Oil simulation. The simulation became more tense as the deadline to pass a proposal grew closer. A coup was threatened against the Nigerian government as it couldn’t make…
Global Leaders Debate Nigerian Oil [Week 4]
This week, the students started working on their original country projects by designing their country’s flag and deciding on population size, land area, and GDP. They will finish these projects next week and present them at Open House! The students…
Inspiring Global Leaders [Week 4]
Inspiring Global Leaders [Week 3]
Inspiring Global Leaders Become the International Whaling Commission [Week 3]
This week, our global leaders immersed themselves in a simulation about international whaling rights. They took on roles representing different countries in the International Whaling Commission, negotiating on whether to end a global moratorium on commercial whaling. They also continued…
Inspiring Global Leaders Create Quizzy Kahoot!s and Packing Plans [Week 2]
Inspiring Global Leaders presented research on countries they were assigned during Week 1. After each presentation, students participated in fun Kahoot! quizzes, nudging the competition out of the way! Students also learned about international relations, immigration and refugees, and global health…