[Week 01] Morning ProgramsSummer Programs 2023


NOTE: We are still processing all the photos taken this week. We will continue to update this post with more photos as they are uploaded.


This week, we began exploring the Scratch software and delving into sample games and stories to understand how these games functioned. We also engaged in hands-on activities to encourage our creativity. We then experimented by modifying the sample games, changing characters, and becoming familiar with various programming blocks and tools. Additionally, we collaborated on creating a game utilizing video sensing, which was an exciting experience for the students.

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This week we started learning how to make friendship bracelets using yarn and embroidery floss. We started with a basic two-color pattern and have been working towards learning the “candy stripe” tying which creates a series of diagonal lines that look like a candy cane. We also started work on our tessellation wall with each student creating a drawing that will be part of our gallery walls during open house. We are finishing the week with getting into small groups to create board games. Students will design and draw their board game with their classmates and create their own game pieces from Shrinky-Dink plastic that will double as pins they can put on their bags later on.

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This week, we covered some introductory topics.

  • There are three forms of acting: 1. dialogue; 2. expression; and 3. body, and
  • The essence of human behavior is change. So it stands to reason that imbuing change in the delivery of each form of acting will result in the most effective performance.

These points have been stressed as the students worked on scenes and participated in improvisations. The overall message to remember when attempting to be the best actor is, “More of different things is generally better than more of the same.”

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explorer graphic logoHNS: EXPLORERS
This week, Explorers started learning the makings of being a junior scientist as we focused on studying plants! They made observations of different types of leaves around the campus. Explorers also started an experiment to see what would happen to Bean Bush seeds under different conditions. Finally, we ended our week with an awesome field trip to the University of Hawai’i Lo’i where students learned all about the Taro plant and its history. Students had so much stomping around in the taro patches as they helped the plants stay hydrated. All in all, a wonderfully active first week. 🙂

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This week we are learning about plants. We had a wonderful field trip to Keiki and Plow where the students learned about canoe plants, did an activity with the Blue Butterfly Pea Flower, planted some seeds, fed chickens and goats, and had fun on the farm. Students are practicing their science skills by making observations and measurements, learning about equipment, and germinating seeds. They have also been practicing their art skills through coloring, drawing, and crafting various plant activities. Friday we  visited the lo’i at UH (Ka Papa Lo‘i o Kānewai).

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researchers graphic logoHNS: RESEARCHERS
This week was an exploration of Hawai’i’s insects. We as a class has an insect hunt around our classroom. They were able to explore as teams to see what insects we had in the plants and under the rocks in the gardens around our class. Their exploration was fruitful! We encourage them to continue their exploration and adventures of our outdoor world to see what insects we have around your very own yard or neighborhood.

summer games course iconLET’S PLAY SPORTS
On week one we focused on flag style games such as

  • Sharks and minnows(Red Rover)
  • Capture the Flag
  • Run the Gauntlet
  • Flag Football

While playing these games we highlighted the importance of team work, proper sportsmen-ship, and exercise on and off the field/court.

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little journalist graphic logoLITTLE JOURNALISTS
Just like in the real world, the Little Journalists had to hit the ground running in order to meet our deadline.  We are starting to learn how to write articles, take photos, and conduct interviews.  One of our first assignments was to interview each other so we could introduce our readers to our news team.  We worked hard and met our deadline!  Please look for our first newsletter in your email and posted on the Parent’s Corner.

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stem discovery graphic logoSTEM: DISCOVERY
In this class, our students become engineers! They look at simple things in creative ways and think about ways to solve them. In each lesson this week will follow the 3 E’s: Engage, Explore, and Explain.

  • Engage: We will do a read aloud story
  • Explore: Students will participate in a challenge that connects to the read aloud.
  • Explain: Students will reflect on their learning through writing and drawing.

This week we will be setting the stage for STEM learning in our classroom by learning foundational classroom routines and procedures. Students will also:

  • Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool.
    Activity: Design wings for a bird that is the right shape and light enough to fly
  • Analyze data from tests of two objects designed to solve the same problem to compare the strengths and weaknesses of how each performs.
    Activity: Paper Airplanes
  • Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem.
    Activity: Helping to create a leg for a spider who lost one of his legs. We also created spider webs and tested out to see if it was strong enough to hold different objects.
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stem olympics iconSTEM: SCIENCE OLYMPICS
This week students learned about vehicles and how they work. We then created a few of their own including cars, boats, and hovercrafts! In addition to building and modifying their prototypes, students enjoyed some friendly competitions to see what characteristics make a vehicle go further or faster!

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