[Week 03] Morning ProgramsSummer Programs 2023


NOTE: We are still processing all the photos taken this week. We will continue to update this post with more photos as they are uploaded.


This week, we focused on project ideas for open house. Students were asked to come up with ideas for their individual projects, which they will discuss with their group members next week.

Additionally, we engaged in a storytelling activity where students created compelling stories featuring their favorite characters. It was wonderful to see their creativity unfold as they shared their stories with the class. The narratives ranged from stories about celebrities to imaginative characters.

Next, we embarked on a musical journey by collectively building a piano as a class. By the end of this week, our goal is to develop a story that incorporates musical instrument characters and their enchanting tale.

I am pleased to note that the class continues to improve and grow. I find myself enjoying the class more and more, and I hope the students share the same sentiment.

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This week we designed and created our tie-dye shirts. The beautifully dyed shirts drying on the line added some wonderful color to our classroom area. Then we began working on our dioramas using a glass vase as our vessel.

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Now that the students are proficient in breaking down the script, picking up transitions, and getting off-book faster, they were able to do more scenes this week than they’ve done before.  I’m so impressed at how they are progressing.

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explorer graphic logoHNS: EXPLORERS
This week Explorers went on 2 field trips! On Tuesday we went to the Waikiki Aquarium and where we saw numerous fish and aquatic animals. On Thursday, we went to check out the Manoa stream. The heavy rains the night before prevented us from going in the water, but the students still got a first hand look at how fish can be caught using a net. Students learned about different native and invasive species that live in the stream. They then were able to identify the different types of marine lifeforms that live in the stream using their observational skills as a junior scientist.

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This week we focused on fish and enriched our learning with a trip to the Aquarium on Tuesday. The students were very well behaved and enjoyed a scavenger hunt to find the 8 fish that reside at the tide pool station. Thursday we had our trip to Manoa Stream. Unfortunately, there was a lot of rain the night before which raised the water height and meant we could not safely go into the stream, but the program organizers caught the animals for them and the children were able to identify and sort the fish and crayfish. This helped Mr. Cory count the invasive species they caught, which was over 60! Ask you child what fish they were able to carry!

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researchers graphic logoHNS: RESEARCHERS
This week our Researchers were able to see the amazing world of insects at the UH Insect Museum. Then we journeyed from land to sea as we learned about various aquatic life and our local reefs at the Waikiki Aquarium. As an extra bonus we got to walk to the Natatorium and learn some of our local history.

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summer games course iconLET’S PLAY SPORTS
In Week 3 of Let’s Play Sports, the focus was on playing kickball. We learned the fundamentals of the game, such as how to kick the ball accurately, as well as kicking with brute strength. Additionally, we learned the differences between the offensive and defensive responsibilities.

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little journalist graphic logoLITTLE JOURNALISTS
This week the Little Journalists worked on taking action shots with their cameras. They worked to refine their interviewing preparation and technique and to improve their digital layout skills. They continue to find their reporting voice in their writing, and are always on the hunt for the perfect human interest story.

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stem discovery graphic logoSTEM: DISCOVERY
What an exciting week of learning and experimenting in STEM Discovery! During this week, students learned about natural disasters. Each natural disaster activity began with a reading passage and questions for students to learn about each topic. After students learned about the natural disaster, they designed, built, and tested real world solutions. Some of the projects included building a barrier to slow the flow of ‘lava’ and building structures to withstand tornado, hurricane, blizzard and earthquake simulations.

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stem olympics iconSTEM: SCIENCE OLYMPICS
The students enthusiastically engaged in a series of hands-on activities, showcasing their skills in constructing airplanes, straw rockets, cup poppers, and successfully mastering the task of slowing down the descent of a ping pong ball. To conclude their learning experience, they pooled their newfound knowledge to participate in an exhilarating egg dropping contest, striving to protect their fragile eggs from a drop!

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