[Week 05] Afternoon Programs

creator space graphicCREATOR SPACE
This week students painted their clay sculptures and made 2D art pieces to hang in our mini gallery for open house. Some students made additional shrinky-dink keychains and jewelry charms.

drama acting iconDRAMA: JUST ACT

This week we mostly worked on finishing up projects that the students weren’t able to complete before.

minecraft class logo graphicMINECRAFT

Week Five brought us to the end of our Minecraft course. This week the students incorporated everything that they learned throughout the Minecraft course (Biodiversity, We Are the Rangers, Climate Futures, and Sustainability City) and applied it to building a Minecraft World that replicated Hawai`i in their “”E Mālama `Āina – Final Challenge”” lesson.

During our Open House, the students shared the “E Mālama `Āina – Final Challenge” worlds with their friends and families. When asked at the beginning of the Open House, “Have you played Minecraft before,” approximately 41% of our guests responded, “No,” with 8% saying they had no interest in playing at all. When the Open House ended, 0% of our guests expressed that they still had no interest. Approximately 53% of our guests said that they liked Minecraft with 35% saying that they loved it and wanted to play more.

We ended the week with SPLISH SPLASH Water Fun BASH day.

Thank you again for allowing us the opportunity to spend some time with your child and learn and experience some cool things together this summer.

ev3 logo graphicROBOTICS WITH LEGO EV3
This week we completed our final project. The students were asked to build a robot with 2 sensors that we have used previously in the semester. Students built things from Wall-E, a fighting robot, and a mail delivery robot. Sadly, this is our last week so we will be spending a portion of our time taking apart and reorganizing all of the Lego pieces. It has been such a pleasure teaching this class!

lego we-do graphic logoROBOTICS WITH LEGO WEDO
This week, we continued building our projects. The project was about grabbing objects, students had the choice to create and design their own robots to grab objects. On Wednesday, they had the opportunity to choose a new project or go back to a project they worked on.  At Open House, they were able to show and tell their parents what they did and programmed the robots.

robotics vex iconROBOTICS WITH VEX
On this final week, we finished and prepared our robots for competition. Our groups competed in robot competitions and presented our designs in class and during open house. On Friday, we spent a little time cleaning up and then had a fun time at Water Day.

stem olympics course iconSTEM: SCIENCE OLYMPICS

“In our final week we continued working on perfecting our Rube Goldberg Machines so that we could share them at Open House. We expanded our machines so much (adding more pulleys, inclined planes (ramps), levers (seesaws), wheels and axels, screws (spiral slides), and wedges (something that blocks the movement of something else until it is removed) that we needed some time on Thursday before we shared with our families. So we made a plan to have our parents complete an engineering design challenge!

Try it at home! You can use 4 craft sticks (tongue depressors or large popsicle sticks), 10 clothespins, one sheet of newspaper, and 50 pennies. The challenge was to build a structure that could hold the pennies highest above the table. It was fun to watch the parents get creative and follow the Engineering Design Process: Ask, Research, Imagine, Plan, Create, Test, Modify, and Share! The tallest tower was unable to hold the pennies for 3 seconds, so the highest successful height was 30 cm with 28 cm as a close second. Thank you to everyone for participating and patiently waiting while we worked on our machines.

After the engineering challenge, we showcased our Rube Goldberg Machines and also brought out our sail-cars, and strung up the Zipline Racers to demonstrate how they worked. We hope you enjoyed our Open House!

On the last day, we enjoyed a bounce house, water activities, and movies in the MPB! Have a great rest of the summer!”