[Week 05] Afternoon ProgramsSummer Programs 2023


NOTE: We are still processing all the photos taken this week. We will continue to update this post with more photos as they are uploaded.

This week we attempted to wrap up all our projects from the summer! Some of them included shrinky-dink magnets and painting clay animal sculptures. Some even had time to begin making dioramas for their animals. Thank you so much for stopping by and visiting my class!

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This week we went on a field trip to the UH Esports Facility. Students learned a lot about Esports and how video games can be much more than a free time activity. Students were given the opportunity to check out the advanced gaming equipment at the facility. Students also got to play Super Smash Bros. one of the games that the UH Esports team competes in.
Back in class, students continued working on their final projects, BlockBuster City. During Open House, students showed their parents the world and their awesome structures within the Blockbuster City.
As it is the last week, students were able to do “free choice” as a class. They decided to continue playing Minecraft on the Blockbuster City and their Survival Worlds.

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ev3 logo graphicROBOTICS WITH LEGO EV3
The class made final touches to the projects that they’ve been working on since Week 4. The students had experience presenting by talking about their projects with the teacher and TA, then eventually with with the rest of the class in a show and tell.

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lego we-do graphic logoROBOTICS WITH LEGO WEDO
Students started the the week by designing and drawing their own train. The goal was to understand the difference between steam locomotives and trains.  We also learned a little about the Honolulu rail which is now up and running.
Wednesday was our last full day of class. Students got into groups to brainstorm what they wanted their final Lego construction to be. Each group started building their robots and finished them during open house.

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robotics vex iconROBOTICS WITH VEX
The final week of our class was truly fantastic. All the groups successfully completed their robot designs and programmed the joystick for precise control. They had a great time playing with their robots and showcasing them to their families during the open house event. The experience was truly amazing, and I will genuinely miss this class.

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In week five we will review all the material we learned in the four weeks prior. Some topics that we will go over are planets’ atmospheres, the planets within our solar system, terrestrial vs gaseous planets, layers of planets, and the importance of gravity.

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This week, we were able to finish our personal narratives and prepare for open house! We started doing more free draw, clay making, and writing. The kids enjoyed a little break time doing what they like for this week.

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The final week of our program immersed our students in a blend of reflection and delight. As they basked in nostalgia, cherishing the memories of the preceding weeks, they also reveled in an assortment of engaging and camaraderie-building classroom games. The much-anticipated open house event provided a platform for our students to showcase the fruits of their labor—projects meticulously crafted over the course of the program. Finally, Friday arrived in a burst of exhilaration, as we embraced water day brimming with excitement and joy.

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