What to Expect on the First Day of Core Programs

Welcome to CRDG Summer Programs!  Summer is almost here, and we’re sure some of you are wondering what to expect this summer. Here’s what you can expect on the first day!

8:00 am: Welcome to Morning Orientation. Parents are invited to join us as we share information about our program, address student expectations, and provide parents with a chance to ask questions. If you can’ stay for Orientation, you are welcome to stop by our offices at any time to ask questions! Both Orientation sessions will cover the same information.

Morning Classes: After Orientation, students will be escorted to their classrooms. Throughout the morning, classes will visit the student office to take photos for their IDs and receive their Summer Programs t-shirts.  Every day, students will have a mid-morning recess and snack break.

11:45 am: Class is done! Students will be escorted back to the MPB.  Students awaiting pick-up by car will be signed out and walked down to the Dole Street pick-up area.  All other students will stay in the MPB.  See the handbook for the full dismissal procedures.

Lunch Time: Students staying the full day will have 45 minutes for lunch and recess.

12:30 pm: Welcome to Afternoon Orientation. Parents are invited to join us as we share information about our program, address student expectations, and provide parents with a chance to ask questions. If you can’t stay for Orientation, you are welcome to stop by our offices at any time to ask questions! Both Orientation sessions will cover the same information.

Afternoon Classes: After Orientation, students will be escorted to their classrooms. Afternoon only students will visit the student office to take photos for their IDs and receive their Summer Programs t-shirts.  Every day, students will have a mid-afternoon recess and snack break.

3:15 pm: Class is done! Students will be escorted back to the MPB.  Students awaiting pick-up by car will be signed out and walked down to the Dole Street pick-up area.  All other students will stay in the MPB. See the handbook for the full dismissal procedures.

After-School Program: Students enrolled in the After-School Program will enjoy daily activities such as craft projects, outdoor games, cooking activities, science experiments, and more!  Parents may sign out their child with the afterschool teacher no later than 5:30 pm.

Don’t forget, Tuesday June 11 is a holiday!  We’ll see you all again on Wednesday!

If you have any questions, please contact us at 956-8176 or [email protected]!