DTE resources to support facilitator learning
Facilitator Guides for using the module
A Facilitator Guide is provided for each PD session. This is an essential resource for using the session materials—including the videos and handouts—found in the PD module. The Facilitator Guides support facilitators as they prepare for their work with teachers in upcoming PD sessions. The goals, session descriptions, and expectations, as well as the lesson activities are all contained within the Facilitator Guides.
PD facilitation modeling
The DTE modules uniquely feature the opportunity for facilitators to hone their skills in facilitating PD by watching videos of expert teacher educators interact with teacher participants in a PD setting. Facilitators can see the ways in which they stage module tasks, provide explanations, and respond to questions. In this way, the “virtual facilitator” acts like a “virtual mentor” for facilitators.
Teacher work and discussion samples
Because the modules feature expert mathematics teacher educators working in professional development contexts, the thinking of individual teachers and the interaction of groups are also available through video and work samples. Facilitators can take advantage of this feature by watching the videos prior to their own PD sessions to help anticipate things their own participants might say and do.
Screencasts from facilitator study groups
Screencasts of facilitator study groups (conducted during the development of the DTE modules) capture the conversations between module designers and module facilitators who were involved in piloting the materials. Each screencast covers particular sessions from a module, discussing the overarching “big ideas” that are woven across sessions and capturing Q&A between PD facilitators and the content experts who helped design the modules. Facilitators can watch the screencasts to gain insights into the use of the materials.