Session 9: Investigating strategies for comparing fractions
Session parts
Part 1: Preview
Part 2: Analyzing fraction-comparison problems
Part 3: Four strategies for comparing fractions
Part 4: Analyzing students’ comparison strategies
Part 5: Showing and explaining equivalence
Part 6: Wrap up
Fractions Home
Session 1: Studying mathematics teaching with a focus on fractions
Session 2: Understanding and using representations of fractions
Session 3: Connecting representations and developing a working definition of a fraction
Session 4: Using the number line
Session 5: Narrating representations and analyzing tasks
Session 6: Using public recording space
Session 7: Studying how tasks and public recording space support mathematics teaching
Session 8: Supporting students' narrations; and using a 'public-recording-space checklist'
Session 9: Investigating strategies for comparing fractions
Session 10: Supporting students’ understanding and use of representations shared by classmates
Get in touch
[email protected]
University of Michigan
School of Education
610 E. University Avenue, Suite 1600
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259