Drama: Summer Stars on Stage Begins Rehearsals [Week 3]
We started rehearsal this week for our big show! Everyone has their parts and started memorizing their lines and songs. We’ve started to create the show one scene at a time and we are almost halfway through the whole play.…
Slime and Cheese at our After School Program [Week 3]
It was an eventful week in After-School Program! From mixing giant batches of fluffy slime to making grilled cheese sandwiches, we did it all! Despite the rainy weather, we also got a chance to play out on the basketball courts…
HNS: Observers, Explorers, Researchers – Guest Speaker, Carlo Caruso
Apple Pie Take Virtual and Actual Tours [Week 3]
This week in How to Make an Apple Pie and Wow the World students travelled to three cities in France (Paris, Marseilles, and Lyon) and one city in Sri Lanka (Columbo). They learned several French words as well as some…
How to Make an Apple Pie [Week 3]
Field Trip: Honolulu Zoo – HNS Observers, Explorers and Researchers
Field Trip: Honolulu Museum of Art – Wearable Arts, How to Make An Apple Pie and Wow the World, Little Journalists, Drama: Summer Stars on Stage
Field Trip: BRUG Bakery Kahala Mall – How to Make An Apple Pie and Wow the World, Little Journalists
HNS Researchers Face the Microplastics Problem [Week 3]
This week’s adventure was to the zoo. The Researchers had the discussion about the ways zoos are important other than just seeing different animals that don’t live in Hawai’i. Also, the Researchers have been challenged with creating devices that can…