CRDG’s Program Research & Evaluation Section is in its second year of a project funded by the National Science Foundation to look at the effects of professional development on curriculum implementation and the “scaling-up” of curricula. To do this, CRDG…
Addressing the Needs of Diverse Learners
The School Success Project (SSP) was created in 2004 to respond to the increasingly diverse population of students enrolled at the Education Laboratory School (ELS). All students at ELS are educated with their peers in the general education setting, with…
Science Educators Address Adolescent Health Issues
Under a grant from the U. S. Department of Agriculture, CRDG worked with faculty at Purdue University to develop materials to teach sixth grade girls about osteoporosis and the need for calcium in their diets to combat this disease later…
Extending the Golden Triangle to the Elementary Grades
After many years of using the CRDG-developed Golden Triangle program as the basis of the ELS secondary English classes, students at the 8th and 10th grade levels consistently score very well on the English section of the Hawai‘i State Assessment.…
Cross Currents
Linda Menton, Noren Lush, and Suzanne Acord began work in 2004 on a bi-national, bilingual, Web-based digital resource for the Cross Currents project. The resource features Japan and the United States, and the way the two countries haveinfluenced each other…