Literacy and Hawaiian Education Programs Continue to Build on Success CRDG’s Literacy and Hawaiian Education (LHE) office has administered seven grants that have collectively served fifty-one local schools. On average, these schools serve larger percentages of Native Hawaiian students than…
Research Looks at Integration of Early Mathematics Learning
Researchers at CRDG began work in 2002 on Measure Up, a unique elementary mathematics program that uses measurement as the basis for developing understanding of algebraic concepts as early as first grade. The program, based on preliminary work by a…
Two CRDG Studies Extend TSI Aquatic Work
CRDG evaluators who worked alongside the Teaching Science as Inquiry (TSI) Aquatic project staff conducted studies that went beyond the formal requirements of the project evaluation. These efforts were designed to contribute to the research and evaluation literature on methods…
GAs Contribute to CRDG
As a research unit within the University of Hawai‘i, CRDG is home to a talented group of graduate assistants (GAs) who advance their education while contributing in significant ways to CRDG’s work. The graduate students featured here study in departments…
CRDG Evaluation Team Serves the Early Childhood Community and Hawai‘i’s Race to the Top
CRDG’s team of early childhood education evaluators contracted with the Hawai‘i P–20 Partnership for Education to collect data at preschools in Hawai‘i’s two Race to the Top (RTTT) “zones of school innovation” (ZSI). The ZSIs, one in the Nanakuli-Wai‘anae area…