With the implementation of the No Child Left Behind legislation, professional development has become one of the most urgent needs of teachers. CRDG’s Mathematics Section has felt the impact of the emphasis on testing in mathematics as schools strive to…
University Laboratory School
The University Laboratory School is operated by CRDG as a K–12 laboratory for researching, designing, testing, and evaluating effective approaches to improving learning, teaching, and assessment. The student population is randomly selected from among applicants to represent a broad cross…
CRDG Summer Programs
Celebrating a thiry-fifth anniversary in 2005, Summer Programs continued the tradition of providing enrichment learning in science and technology to one hundred fifteen students from Hawai‘i and abroad. Students came from as far as Texas, California, and Korea to explore…
Marketing and Publications Services (MaPS)
CRDG’s Marketing and Publications Services (MaPS) continued to grow in 2005. The challenges of offering a wider range of services to a larger group of customers throughout the university community was met by our talented group of marketers, designers, and…
Ka Wana Series
The Ka Wana series was developed through the Pihana Nā Mamo Native Hawaiian reading program. It offers new insight into the philosophy and way of life of Native Hawaiian culture. Those raised in these traditions will find memorable recollections, while…