Morris Lai, Hugh Dunn, and Mark Yap received first place in the School Evaluation and Program Development Outstanding Publications Competition at the 2007 American Educational Research Association (AERA) meeting in Chicago for their DVD, A Mo‘olelo Evaluation of Pihana Nā…
From Vision to Print: A CRDG Collaboration
A constant feature of CRDG’s work has been collaboration among its researchers, teachers, writers, designers, marketers, and publication staff. CRDG models its philosophy as a learning community and collegial partner. Case in point: The Ka Wana series of books. In…
Chapters in Books Olson, M., Olson, J., Swarthout, M., & Hartweg, K. (2007). Meeting special needs in mathematics through learning stations. In E. Bazik, (Series Ed.) & E. Bazik, & C. Greenes (Vol. Eds.), Leadership to math success for all:…
CRDG Organization College of Education Christine Sorensen, Dean Curriculum Research & Development Group Donald B. Young, Director Kathleen F. Berg, Associate Director Paul Brandon, Interim Associate Director Helen Au, Assistant Director Marcus Hayden, Administrative Officer Ricardo Lorenzana, Special Projects Administrator…