Professor Paul R. Brandon of the College of Education Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG) was named the 2011 Research on Evaluation Distinguished Scholar by the American Educational Research Association (AERA). He is the first recipient of this newly created sanctioned award, which will be given annually by the AERA Research on Evaluation Special Interest Group. The formal presentation of the award occurred on April 9, 2011 in New Orleans at AERA’s annual meeting.
AERA’s awards program, which includes division and special interest group awards, is one of the most prominent ways for education researchers to recognize and honor the outstanding scholarship and service of their peers. With more than 25,000 members representing a broad range of disciplines, AERA has maintained the primary goal of advancing educational research and its practical application since 1916.
“I have endeavored to conduct research using multiple methods to draw upon as the perspectives of multiple respondents about various aspects of evaluation,” Brandon explained. “In particular, I have focused on the participation of program stakeholders in evaluation. I have not attempted to promote this body of research heavily in conference symposia, books, and so forth… so it was an honor to be singled out.”
Brandon has published several instruments that have been developed and validated in projects; has won two other AERA awards over the years; is the co-editor of the Exemplars section of the American Journal of Evaluation; is co-author of a book on evaluation; and regularly serves as a consultant on developing research and evaluation projects. He continues to conduct evaluations, most recently as part of national grants, and applies the results of his practice in graduate student classes that he teaches for the College of Education Department of Educational Psychology.