CRDG’s Marketing and Publications Services (MaPS) continued to grow in 2005. The challenges of offering a wider range of services to a larger group of customers throughout the university community was met by our talented group of marketers, designers, and printers. Designers Darrell Asato, Wayne Shishido, and Byron Inouye, and printer Bert Narimasu have been working behind the scenes for over twenty years, doing the kind of quality work that has resulted in the current reputation for excellence MaPS enjoys.

Long-time customers and newcomers alike appreciate the combination of commitment to quality and family feel that they find at MaPS. The addition of newcomers Aaron Lee (web graphic designer), Winnie So (marketing assisstant), and Jaret Leong (account associate) in 2005 have allowed MaPS to offer an even greater range of services along with a higher level of customer service.
MaPS produced a variety of publications this year. Pictured (top row, left to right) are Current Perspectives (Spring 05 and Fall 05), CRDG Year in Review 2004, (middle row) College of Education Research Retrospective 2000–2005, Teaching Science as Inquiry Astronomy Inquiry Lab Book, CRDG section brochures, (bottom row) Educational Perspectives (Spring 05 and Fall 05), Ka Wana series books A’o, Pono, and Ho‘oponopono, and Working ‘Round a Problem (WRAP) Mathematics Cards.