CRDG hosted the 37th Annual Pacific Circle Consortium Conference in June at the Hawai‘i Imin International Conference Center. Delegates from around the Pacific gathered in Honolulu to share their work and to build on common interests in planning for future collaborative projects. Participants came from New Zealand, Australia, China, Sāmoa, South Korea, Taiwan, Fiji, Japan, Vietnam, Mexico, and the United States. Keynote speaker Dr. David Grossman opened the conference with an address entitled “Preparing Globally Aware Citizens,” and participants carried on this theme with presentations on topics that addressed the conference theme Sharing Perspectives—International Conversations about Education. The winner of a student teacher essay contest in the University of Hawai‘i’s College of Education shared an upcoming teacher’s perspective in her address entitled “A Time to Blend: Synthesizing Traditional and Progressive Educational Approaches.”
As a founding member of the Pacific Circle Consortium (PCC), CRDG has had a long-standing commitment to education in and about the Asia-Pacific region. The PCC was established in 1977 as an initiative in international cooperation among educational research and development institutions in the Pacific region and has produced many collaborative curriculum projects and policy papers in its thirty-seven years.