The Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), with its Education Laboratory School, is an organized research unit in the College of Education at the University of Hawai‘i that conducts research and creates, evaluates, disseminates, and supports educational programs that serve students, teachers, parents, and other educators in grades preK–12.
CRDG . . . contributes to the body of professional knowledge and practice in teaching and learning, curriculum development, program dissemination and implementation, evaluation and assessment, and school improvement.
“Committed to Quality”
CCRDG and the University Laboratory School are pleased to present our 2005 Year in Review. We had another banner year, and this publication highlights some of the accomplishments of our dedicated teachers, researchers, evaluators, and support staff.
This year’s theme is collaboration. In the following pages you will find examples of CRDG faculty working with schools throughout the state, and in some cases on the U.S. mainland and in other countries. We are proud of our nearly 40-year history in curriculum research, development, program evaluation, publication, dissemination, and professional development. Collaborations are essential to our work, and we gratefully acknowledge our individual and organizational collaborators and funders who support our work at CRDG.
As in the past, the Laboratory School students continued to excel. For the fourth straight year, the Laboratory School ranked among the top performing public schools in Hawai‘i on the state assessments. Our students were honored with awards in writing, speech, art, music, science, mathematics, social studies, and athletics. We are proud of their accomplishments and of the dedicated faculty who consistently bring out the best in our Laboratory School students.
In the words of William Butler Yeats, “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” We are pleased to describe, in this Year in Review, some of the fires that CRDG faculty and staff are lighting here at CRDG and in other schools with whom we work to constantly improve education.
At CRDG we continue to be committed to excellence and quality.
Donald B. Young
Director, CRDG
Professor of Education