Aloha from the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG) and the University Laboratory School (ULS). We are pleased to share with you our Year in Review for 2012, which highlights the exciting and innovative work our faculty and staff are doing. Our vision statement says that we are a learner-centered community of educators that inspires dynamic teaching and learning, and we hope it is this sense of our work that comes through as you read this report.
Much of what we do to support and improve education is changing to reflect the ever-evolving education landscape, in particular the shift to digital curriculum materials and to new and varied ways of forming and maintaining learning communities. Other aspects of our work continue to build on our long history of research into programs of curriculum and professional development that support and enhance the processes of teaching and learning.
The opening section of this report features an exemplary CRDG project, called Teaching Science as Inquiry: Aquatic, in which you can see how the many and varied aspects of our work—curriculum, professional development, evaluation, learning technology, and community involvement—come together in a single program.
We also highlight the collaborative nature of our endeavors, demonstrating how our work within the community, in the broadest sense, enhances our ability to have real impact in education. In this report you will read about some of the many stakeholders and partners with whom we work within our various communities—local, national, and global.
We are happy to share our story with you and hope you will come away with a sense of the continued commitment to excellence that guides our work here.