Cooper, P., Duncan Seraphin, K. M., Sakamoto, C., & Strang, C. Pacific Ocean Literacy for Youth, Publics, Professionals and Scientists (POLYPPS). National Science Foundation Centers for Ocean Science Education Excellence (COSEE) Collaboration. $150,000. 2008–2014.
Cooper, P., Lemus, J. D., Duncan Seraphin, K., Sakamoto, C., & Thomas F. I. M. Center for Ocean Science Education Excellence (COSEE)–Island Earth. National Science Foundation. $300,000. 2010–2015.
Duncan Seraphin, K. M. UH Sea Grant Center for Marine Science Education. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) via UH Sea Grant College Program. $150,000. 2009–2014.
Duncan Seraphin, K. M., Nguyen, T., & Brandon, P. R. Accessible Professional Development for Teaching Aquatic Science Inquiry. U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Services. Teacher Quality–Mathematics and Science Education, Goal 2, $1,490,000. 2010–2013.
Duncan Seraphin, K., Okimoto, D., & Lerner, D. T. Exploring our Fluid Earth: NOAA Ocean Science Curriculum, Teacher Professional Development and Public Outreach. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Office of Education, $1,200,000. 2010–2013.
Dunn, H. H. Piha Pono: A Robust RTI Approach Integrating Reading, Mathematics, and Behavior Supports. US Department of Education. $981,339. 2012–2013.
Dunn, H. H. Teacher Reading Academy: A Job-Embedded Professional Development Approach to School Reading Instructional Support. US Department of Education. $18,847. 2012–2013.
Higa, T. F. An Evaluation of the Central Kaua‘i 21st Century Community Learning Centers. Hawai‘i Department of Education. $30,000. 2013.
Higa, T. F. An Evaluation of the Campbell Complex’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers. Hawai‘i Department of Education. $45,000. 2012-2013.
Higa, T. F. An Evaluation of the Farrington-Kalihi Learning Center 21st Century Community Learning Centers. Hawai‘i Department of Education. $35,000. 2011–2013.
Higa, T. F. Evaluation of the ARRA School Improvement Grant. Hawai‘i Department of Education. $48,353. 2013.
Higa, T. F. Meta-Analysis of 2010-11 Data Submitted to the 21st Century Community Learning Center Program. Hawai‘i Department of Education. $30,000. 2012–2013.
Nguyen, T. T. Academy for the 21st Century and Run Book Project. Hawai‘i Department of Education. $600,000. 2013–2014.
Nguyen, T. T. Parents and Children Together (PACT) Kuhio Park Terrace (KPT) Makery. Hawai‘i Non-Profit Organizations. $9,200. 2013–2014.
Nguyen, T. T., & Scott, N. G. Technology for Untapped Talent, State Vocational Rehabilitation Division, Hawaii Department of Human Services. $1,024,333.28. 2012–2014.
Pottenger, F. M. Pacific Education and Research for Learning Science (PEARLS). US Department of Health and Human Services-NIH. $72,468. 2009–2013.
Pottenger, F. M. Pacific Islands Climate Change Education Partnership. National Science Foundation (via PREL). $94,700. 2012–2014.
Saka, S. M. Administer and Score Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. Hawai‘i Department of Education. $103,956. 2012–2014.
Saka, S. M. Development and Production of the Hawaii Youth Risk Behavioral Survey for the State of Hawai‘i. Hawai‘i Department of Education. $50,000. 2011–2013.
Saka, S. M. Hawai‘i School Health Surveys. Hawai‘i Department of Health. $244,900. 2012–2013.
Saka, S. M. Hawai‘i School Health Survey–tobacco settlement. Hawai‘i Department of Health. $150,000. 2011–2013.
Saka, S. M. To Coordinate and Administer The Hawaii Youth Risk Behavioral Study. Hawai‘i Department of Education. $55,000. 2011–2014.
Watts, M. Get FIT: Culture-based Teaching and Learning. Kamehameha Schools. $30,000. 2010–2013.
York, S. Hui A‘o Mua: An Early Reading First Project. UH Center on the Family. $1,083. 2009–2013.
Young, D. B. Mizushima International Kimono Program. University of Hawai‘i Foundation. $9,000. 2007–2013.
Young, D. B. Provision of CCSS Aligned Mathematics Course Materials and Professional Development. Hawai‘i Department of Education. $370,000. 2012–2014.