Message from the Director

Donald B. YoungDirector, CRDG

Aloha from the Curriculum Research & Development Group and the University Laboratory School. We are pleased to be able to share with you the exciting and innovative work of our dedicated team of researchers, teachers, evaluators, and support staff in 2008. In this Year in Review we celebrate our place in the community—in the College of Education and the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, and in the local, national, and international community of educators.

In the pages that follow, you will read about our continuing leadership role in developing research-based programs and services. Stories about our projects in early childhood education and elementary mathematics education describe new efforts. The stories describing results of the multi-year study of embedding formative assessments in CRDG’s middle school science program and our long-time collaboration with Russian educators show the depth and breadth of impact our work continues to have.

Innovation and excellence are evident in our work and are attested to in the stories about the many visitors who came to see our programs in action and the recognition our work received this year from peers. You will also read about our continued success in generating grant funds and new collaborations such as that with the University of Hawai‘i Sea Grant College Program as well as the beginning of a three-year partnership with the Hawai‘i Department of Education to streamline the state content and performance standards and benchmarks.

CRDG, in collaboration with the University Laboratory School, continues its commitment to and support of leadership, excellence, and innovation in improving preK–12 education. The following pages demonstrate that commitment and the impact our programs and services are having locally, nationally, and internationally

Dr. Donald B. Young
Director, CRDG