A new algebra course for high school students to be taken in parallel with Algebra I will focus on fundamental algebra concepts aligned with Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for mathematics. Tentatively titled Modeling Our World (MOW), this course is being developed specifically for Hawai‘i schools at the request of the Hawai‘i Department of Education. The CRDG mathematics faculty is able to draw on years of exploratory work in developing algebraic thinking from the Measure Up elementary mathematics program, the Reshaping Mathematics for Understanding (RMU) program for middle schools, and Algebra I: A Process Approach, one of the earliest mathematics programs developed at CRDG. The new full-year course will include extended performance tasks that will deepen students’ understanding while preparing them for the types of items that will be included in the new assessments associated with the CCSS. Modeling Our World will be piloted in selected classrooms throughout the state in the fall of 2012.