Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children

CRDG associate director Kathleen Berg was appointed in 2009 by the state Board of Education as the first Hawai‘i State Commissioner for the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3), the national governing body of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity…

Paul Brandon is Appointed Editor-in-Chief of National Journal

College of Education Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG) faculty member, Paul R. Brandon, has been appointed to serve as Editor-in-Chief of the American Evaluation Association’s (AEA) topical journal, New Directions for Evaluation (NDE). Brandon, a professor of education, will…

COE CRDG Faculty Member Receives First Distinguished Scholar Award from AERA

Professor Paul R. Brandon of the College of Education Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG) was named the 2011 Research on Evaluation Distinguished Scholar by the American Educational Research Association (AERA). He is the first recipient of this newly created…