With their families’ frequent relocations in service to our country, military-dependent children often attend as many as nine different schools from kindergarten to twelfth grade. The problems they encounter with enrollment, eligibility, placement, and graduation have long been a concern…
STEM Focus Benefits Teachers and Students in Mathematics
Lesson Study Approach Brings New Insights to Teachers A request from the principal of Stevenson Middle School to expand on previous professional development work CRDG had conducted at his school has resulted in another partnership funded by the HIDOE Math…
CRDG Partners with HIDOE on Streamlining Standards
The Standards Streamlining Project (SSP), a partnership with the Hawai’i Department of Education (HIDOE), reexamined and recommended modifications to the Hawaii Content and Performance Standards III (HCPS III) benchmarks in the core areas of English language arts, mathematics, science, and…
A Systems Approach to Professional Development in Mathematics
The systems approach to teaching and learning informs all of CRDG’s work, but it is perhaps best exemplified in the professional development work conducted by the mathematics faculty. Within their projects, the research and professional development are so intertwined, with…
Formative Assessment—An Integral Part of Teachinglearning Systems
In the last dozen years, research on formative assessment has provided evidence of its promise as a strategy for teachers to know more about their students as they plan and teach lessons. However, the words formative assessment do not always…