Donald Young

Deans of Colleges of Arts & Humanities, Education appointed

Donald Young is currently Acting Dean and Interim Associate Dean (Research and Administration) at the UH Mānoa College of Education. He has been with the College since 1971, where he previously worked as an Educational Associate, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and full Professor. His administrative experience includes serving as Director of UH Mānoa’s Curriculum Research and Development Group.

CRDG TSI Program’s Jordan Wang is one of the A1-A3 winners of the UHM 27th Student Employee of the Year (SEOTY) Award

Jordan Wang was nominated by CRDG TSI Program Manager Joanna Philippoff for the 27th Student Employee of the Year (SEOTY) Award. Philippoff shared “Jordan is an incredibly hard worker who produces consistently high quality work. I am continually impressed with…