The adaptation of CRDG’s elementary science program Developmental Approaches in Science, Health and Technology (DASH) by educators in Russia continued this year with Carol Ann Brennan’s summer visit to Moscow to teach a DASH course for teachers, administrators, and other…
Two Projects Address Science in Elementary Education
The Science in Early Elementary (SEE) project began work this year to build an elementary science curriculum that is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The research team of Lori Fulton and Brian Lawton has begun to develop…
CRDG Hosts Pacific Education Conference
CRDG hosted the 37th Annual Pacific Circle Consortium Conference in June at the Hawai‘i Imin International Conference Center. Delegates from around the Pacific gathered in Honolulu to share their work and to build on common interests in planning for future…
MaPS Performs Array of Support Roles
CRDG’s Marketing and Publication Services (MaPS) is a one-stop center for educational resources and support, marketing consultation, and publishing services, not only for our CRDG and College of Education family, but for other university departments, schools, and non-profit…
GAs Contribute to CRDG
As a research unit within the University of Hawai‘i, CRDG is home to a talented group of graduate assistants (GAs) who advance their education while contributing in significant ways to CRDG’s work. The graduate students featured here study in departments…