On ePortfolios In a project that breaks new ground in many ways, CRDG entered into a collaboration with the College of Education’s educational technology (ETEC) department to market their new product, On ePortfolios. The product is an interactive learning capsule…
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Berg, K. F. & Giuli, C. (Eds.) (2005). Pacific Educational Research Journal, 13(1). Brandon, P. R. (2005). Using test standard-setting methods in educational program evaluation: Addressing the issue of how good is good enough. Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation, 3, 1–29.…
Other Publications
Baumgartner, E. (2005). Results of OPIHI (Our Project in Hawai‘i’s Intertidal) monitoring for intertidal invasives. Hawai‘i Invasive Species Committee. Baumgartner, E. (2005). Summative Report on Zoology 691: Effective Science Instruction. Submitted to the University of Hawai‘i Department of Zoology, the…
Grants and Contracts
Baumgartner, E. Bishop Museum. Education through Cultural & Historic Organizations. $18,000. August 2005. Brandon, P., & Young, D. B. National Science Foundation. Phase-I Study of the Effects of Professional Development and Long-Term Support on Curriculum Implementation and Scaling Up. $1,102,161.…
Acord, S. A. Cross Currents: A Bilingual Bi-national Web- Based Multimedia Resource. Kansas City, MO: National Council for the Social Studies Conference. November, 2005. Acord, S. A. Cross Currents: A Bilingual Bi-national Web-Based Multimedia Resource. Honolulu: Hawai`i International Conference on…