On June 13, 2006, a devastating fire destroyed the University Elementary School (UES) building. The building had housed the University Laboratory School athletic and physical education offices; weight and athletic training rooms; and choral, drama, hula and chant, and orchestra…
Marketing and Publications Services (MaPS)
In the rapidly changing landscape of marketing and publishing in the education arena, CRDG’s Marketing and Publication Services (MaPS) continued to expand its product and service offerings in 2006. MaPS has undergone many changes in the last few years under…
CRDG Summer Programs: Exploring Our Island Home
Summer Programs expanded again in 2006 to reach a broader range of students. Fueling the almost 50 percent growth in enrollment was the addition of a pair of classes for students entering the third grade and the program’s first foray…
Chapters in Books Okazaki, C., Zenigami, F., & Dougherty, B. (2006). Classroom research informs Measure Up: A different look at elementary mathematics. In S. Z. Smith & M. E. Smith (Eds.), Teachers engaged in research: Inquiry into mathematics classrooms, Prekindergarten–…
Awards & Recognitions
Suzanne Acord received a “Pearl Harbor: History, Memory and Memorial” scholarship from the National Endowment for the Humanities of Honolulu, Hawai‘i in August of 2006. Val Krohn-Ching was awarded the Outstanding Educator Award by the Alliance for Young Writers &…